The most important things to remember when hiring a skip bin

The most important things to remember when hiring a skip bin

If you’ve decided to hire a skip bin, then you’ve made a great decision. Skip bins make it possible to dispose of household or commercial waste conveniently, cost-effective and eco-friendly manner.

However, before you jump into hiring a skip bin, there are more than a few things you should consider.

As the owner of a Brisbane skip bin company, I’ll let you know what to look for when hiring a skip. So, continue reading, and hopefully, by the end of this post, you’ll consider hiring one from us at 4 Waste Walk-In Skip Bins.

1. What type of skip bin to hire?

Before you hire a skip bin, you need to know what type of skip bin to choose. This depends on the type of waste you have. Your waste can either be garden waste (100% recyclable waste) or mixed waste (a combination of green waste and household waste).

Most skip bin providers, including us at 4 Waste Walk-In Skip Bins offer two types of skip bins; garden skip bins and junk skip bins. We accept only 100% garden waste in our garden skips, household/business waste, and mixed waste in our junk skips.

2. Size of the skip bin

You’ll also need to be sure what size to order when you hire a skip bin. Again, this depends on the total amount of waste you have. As such, you’ll need to collect and pile up your waste to make a rough estimate before hiring a skip.

However, you won’t have to do this when you choose 4 Waste Walk-In Skip Bins. Unlike other Brisbane skip companies, our skip bins are available in a unique one-size-fits-all basis.

They come in two standard sizes – 2m³-6m³ and 2m³-8m³; so, simply decide whether you need our 6m³ or 8m³ variants and it’s as simple as that. We’ll charge you only for the amount of waste you fill into our skip and not the entire skip itself. This means you need not bother collecting and estimating your waste when choosing us.

3. Where will the skip bin be placed?

It is also very important that you consider where the skip bin will be placed before you blindly hire one. Understand that skips are heavy containers that cannot be moved around once they are placed. Thus, you’ll need to find a good location, preferably on your property, where the skip bin can be dropped.

4. Choosing a reputed Brisbane skip bin company

reputed Brisbane skip bin company

4 Waste Walk-In Skip Bins is a reputed Brisbane skip bin company

I can’t stress enough how important it is to choose a reputed company when you hire a skip bin. If you go with a cheap skip bin provider, you’ll get poor service and your waste may not be disposed of properly.

If you choose a reputed company such as 4 Waste Walk-In Skip Bins, you won’t face any problems with your waste disposal. We offer a great quality of service and are loved by our customers.

We have a team of waste removal experts who ensure that your waste is disposed of in an eco-friendly manner. Therefore, we make waste removal efficient and offer you the best value for money.


Before you hire a skip bin, there are a few things you should consider. Depending on the type and amount of waste you have, decide the type and size of skip to choose. Also, think about where the skip will be placed. Finally, always choose a reputed company for a skip bin hire.

For affordable and reliable skip bins in Brisbane, consider us at 4 Waste Walk-In Skip Bins. Get in touch with us to hire a skip bin, or book a skip bin online today!


*Please Note: Prices mentioned in this article may not be accurite at the time of publishing or viewing and will not be honoured. For current pricing, always refer to the prices quoted when ordering.


Green Waste Rules: No logs, stumps, palm Logs, whole trees, mulched trees, golden cane trunks, soil, or turf. Branches must be under 13cm in diameter. All green waste must stay under the top rail of the Skip Bin, with nothing poking up.

General Waste Rules: No rocks, bricks, tiles, concrete, pavers, hard wood, paint, chemicals, tyres, carpet, soil, dirt, sand or hard fill. All general waste must stay under the top rail of the skip bin, with nothing poking up.