Top 4 Questions About Skip Bins, Answered

Top 4 Questions About Skip Bins, Answered

If you have never hired a skip bin in Brisbane Southside before, then chances are; you have a few questions on your mind, and if you don’t then maybe you should. Whilst skip bins and their process may appear to be simple – skip bin is delivered, you fill it up, and it is then taken away, there is actually much more to it.

Failing to understand how skip bin services operate can lead in a hire going less than smooth – it may even result in additional fees, which you’ll want to avoid.

As the owner of 4 Waste Walk-In Skip Bins, I’m asked questions about our skip bins and our service that delivers skip bin in Brisbane Southside often. So as a means to provide answers to your questions, or to inform you on the questions you should be asking, I thought it best to start compiling a list, starting with the five questions below.

How much do skip bins cost?

The cost to hire a skip bin in Brisbane Southside will vary from supplier to supplier. It will also vary depending on the size of skip you hire.

The average cost to hire a skip bin in Brisbane Southside is $160 for a 2 cubic metre bin. 4 Waste are cheaper than average – our 2 cubic metre bin is just $275 for a 7 day hire.

Standard skip bins are charged on a per bin basis. Meaning, if you think you need a 3 cubic metre bin, you get a 3 cubic metre bin and are changed the price of the 3 cubic metres.

However, at 4 Waste Walk-In Bins, our bins are anything but standard. Aside from the ‘walk-in’ access, the cost of our bins is only dependent on the amount of waste that you fill in them. So, regardless of how much waste you think you have, a 6 cubic metre bin will be delivered, and if you only fill it with 2 cubic metres of waste, then you only pay for the price of a 2 cubic metre bin.

What are skip bins?

This may seem like a stupid question as everyone knows what a skip bin is. But, aside from being able to remove and transport waste, what do you know about skip bins?

Well, let me enlighten you on some more information about skip bins.

There are various types of skip bins, namely, open skip bins, which are the standard skip bins you see at construction sites, closed skip bins, which are secured with a lid or cover, roll-on and roll-off slips, which are like open skips, but are rolled onto a truck and lastly, mobile skip bins, which sit on a trailer with wheels.

What can you put in a skip bin?

This is important so please take note. There ARE rules and regulations as to what can and cannot be put into a skip bin. This will vary between skip bin suppliers in Brisbane Southside, so be sure to ask before you hire.

At 4 Waste, we most waste types but the following are not permitted: liquids or hazardous wastes, tires, heavy construction materials such as soil, concrete, bricks, tiles and timber, 100% junk mail and fluorescent tubes. Click here to view a full list of what is and isn’t allowed in our skips.

Failing to follow the rules and regulations may mean your waste is not collected or extra costs.

What size skip bin do I need?

Working out how much waste you have is the first step in knowing what size skip bin you need. This can be tricky, so my tip is to visualise the waste in comparison to a 4×4 trailer or a standard council bin. Good skip bin companies in Brisbane Southside will then have a conversion table on their website to tell you which size skip will best meet your needs.

You will find our comparison table here. But, don’t forget, there really is no wrong size to hire if you choose 4 Waste because we only charge for the amount of waste you fill into our skip.


Before hiring a skip bin in Brisbane Southside, it’s a good idea to have an understanding of any pressing questions you may have. You should know the cost of hiring a skip bin in Brisbane Southside, what exactly is a skip bin, what can be put in a skip bin and what size skip bin you will need.

For hassle-free skip bin hire in Brisbane Southside, choose 4 Waste Walk-In Skip Bins.

*Please Note: Prices mentioned in this article may not be accurite at the time of publishing or viewing and will not be honoured. For current pricing, always refer to the prices quoted when ordering.


Green Waste Rules: No logs, stumps, palm Logs, whole trees, mulched trees, golden cane trunks, soil, or turf. Branches must be under 13cm in diameter. All green waste must stay under the top rail of the Skip Bin, with nothing poking up.

General Waste Rules: No rocks, bricks, tiles, concrete, pavers, hard wood, paint, chemicals, tyres, carpet, soil, dirt, sand or hard fill. All general waste must stay under the top rail of the skip bin, with nothing poking up.